1402 - 1402

Sentence of the municipality of Oporto deciding to maintain the ships’ Exchange

“At the sitting of 24th January 1402, as we have already stated elsewhere (v. Oporto in shipping and expansion, Oporto, 1972), it was a question of whether or not a certain money market should be established, to be paid by the merchants and shipowners, with a view to the settlement of the sum of gold owed to Diogo Afonso, which was the cost, as he said, of the charter of privileges he had obtained from the King of England, for which the townspeople would not pay other duties of their merchandise more than the other old rights which they would pay in the so-called kingdoms of England”.


“Tempos e Caminhos” by António Cruz, Faculdade Letras do Porto (1973)-pág. 115


Image caption
“Oporto seen from Gaia, English engraving of 1817”
Picture extracted from “A Companhia de Seguros Bonança – Notícia Histórica” by José Hermano Saraiva


Coin image caption
Justo of Lisbon by King Dom João II – The Perfect Prince
Image extracted from “Colecção Lusitania” by José António Arez Romão (2000) – page 93