Nationalisation of insurance companies
Nationalisation of Insurance Companies with portuguese capital, except for mutual companies, through Decree-Law 135-A/75, of 15th March.
This diploma nationalised “all insurance companies with headquarters on the mainland and adjacent islands, with the exception of insurance companies like Europeia, Metrópole, Portugal, Portugal Previdente, A Social, Sociedade Portuguesa de Seguros and O Trabalho, given the significant participation of foreign insurance companies in its capital, agencies of foreign insurance companies authorised to carry out insurance business in Portugal and mutual insurance companies”.
With the nationalisation, 25 insurance companies became part of the State.
Image caption
The Nationalisation of Portuguese Insurance Companies is front page news in “Diário de Notícias” of 17th March 1975
Image extracted from the book “110 anos a construir um futuro mais seguro”, Açoreana seguros, by Maria de Fátima Senra Estrela (2002)