Creation of the Portuguese Insurance Institute
Decree-Law No. 302/82, of 30th July 1982 – Insurance Supervision in Portugal – creates the Portuguese Insurance Institute, replacing the National Insurance Institute.
It was presidents:
1982-1990 – Armando F. Da Silva Almeida
1990 – José F. Leitão de Carvalho
1990-1994 – Tomé Pinho Gil
1994-1996 – José Monteiro Fernandes Braz
1996-1998 – Diamantino Pereira Marques
1998-1999 – Tomé Pinho Gil
1999-2006 – Rui Manuel Leão Martinho
2006-2012 – Fernando Dias Nogueira
2012-2019 – José António Figueiredo Almaça
At present, Maria Margarida de Lucena Corrêa de Aguiar.
Image caption
Image of the Portuguese Insurance Institute brand
Document caption
Decree-Law No. 302/82, of 30th July 1982
Image extracted from DRE/ Diário da República nº 174/1982, Série I de 1982-07-30, Ministério das Finanças e do Plano-Secretaria de Estado do Turismo, pages 2261-2265