
Porcelain dish Vista Alegre, evocative of the 80th anniversary of BPA-Portuguese Atlantic Bank (1919 -1999). The creation of BPA is closely related to the evolution and transformation of the society, in collective name, Cupertino de Miranda & Companhia, born in April 30, 1931. It dates back to May 1919, when it created Cupertino de Miranda & Irmão, Limitada. The whole dish is in white base with green print. It presents the wind rose, a symbolic element that represents the four fundamental senses (cardinal points) and its intermediaries. On the back it presents the logo of Vista Alegre, the mention of the brand ATLÂNTICO, Banco Português do Atlântico and the ephemeris that consecrates the 80th anniversary.


Ceramic, Metal, Glass and Plastic Pieces


Gifts and Decorative Objects


Vista Alegre Porcelain

Dimension (cm)

Ø 12,3

State Conservation





In 1975 the Português do Atlântico Bank was nationalized by Decree-Law No. 132-A/75, of March 14th. The nationalization of banking brought about the merger of capital in banks, such as Algarve Bank and Fernandes Magalhães Bank are merged into Português do Atlântico Bank. With the privatization of the bank and its transformation into a public limited company on June 30, 2000, Português do Atlântico Bank merged into Comercial Português Bank. As the Bonança Insurance Company was part of the BCP Group, this offer was distributed to all employees of the insurance company.